How to quickly raise the power in the house

Impotence is the partial or total lack of erection. By the time most of the men after the 30-year-old begins to deteriorate. According to the statistics, where 66% of the individuals of the male sex there is any problem, or have been in the past. However, in some cases, it is possible to quickly increase the power in the house.

problems with the power

Vascular causes impotence

The essence of erection lies in the filling of the penis with blood. There is also this disease, as erectile dysfunction. In medicine is considered as insufficient vascularization of the penis for the implementation of the sexual act. However, there is an important point. Very often there are situations when a man is tired, overloaded with work, and even in these cases, there will be problems with sex. The only difference is in the fact that this is a normal condition.

In most cases, impotence is damage to the blood vessels of the penis. To check on the health of the blood vessels, you need to run the following. Before going to sleep on the body of a member into a state of relaxation and overlapping the paper tape. If in the morning it was discovered that this belt will tear, then this will be the testimony of the night erection. Then, problems with the blood vessels no.

The man must have nocturnal or morning erection. This suggests that it is healthy, and its vessels, well traveled, and the current problems are temporary and not dangerous in nature.

The development of atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is a process of the system. Him with the same speed go for all the blood of the body. The arteries found in the penis, have very small diameter. Large blood vessels of the hands, feet, and neck three times their diameter. Therefore, if man has evolved the atherosclerosis in the first place will suffer from small blood vessels.

There is medical statistics, according to which men with impotence, there is a great probability to receive in the next five years, of myocardial infarction. The main advice is to visit a cardiologist and check the level of cholesterol in the blood (the ratio of lipoproteins of high and low density). In addition to this, it is necessary to do an ULTRASOUND of the large vessels of the head and neck.

Acetylsalicylic acid

Aspirin is able to reduce the viscosity of the blood, thus preventing the adhesion of platelets in the blood vessels. The process of erection is directly connected with the filling of blood to the penis. Furthermore, men who suffer from erectile dysfunction or impotence, have several options to obtain some complication to the heart of the system. Taking aspirin, it is possible to improve the condition of the blood vessels and protect you from this.

Note: more than 100 mg of aspirin per day to take is not recommended.

The recipes for power lifting

This drink will provide a rapid increase of power at home and make you feel a man in any situation. The ingredients of which it is made the drink, you can buy in any grocery store. In these three products and three condiments:

  • 200-400 grams of ginger root (can be in the form of a powder);
  • three of lemon;
  • the honey;
  • cinnamon;
  • cloves;
  • nutmeg.

To prepare the broth is necessary. The ginger is first necessary to clean, and then boil. After boiling, turn off the heat, leave to cool to room temperature and top up with water if needed: it should be two litres. In the cooled extract of ginger and squeezed the juice of three lemons, and their peel.

Note: it is not necessary to soak the film from lemons, because it is poisonous. Best to carefully remove with a knife peel.

The broth resulting infused under the lid for the night. After the fermentation there is added a teaspoon of cinnamon. It also adds cloves with the nutmeg. All thoroughly mixed. Drink after meals twice a day: morning and evening. In any case, do not drink on an empty stomach, especially if there are problems with the stomach. For the broth more flavorful, you can add a teaspoon of honey (preferably liquid).

how to increase the power

Beer to the power

To increase the power in your home, you can prepare an ancient instrument. Its basis is the beer, but not the purchase price, and prepared in the home. First we need to make the dough, and for this you need the following ingredients:

  • 50 grams of raw yeast;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • the malt.

In the three-liter vessel is added a bit of raw yeast (about 50 grams) and 10 tablespoons of sugar. You can add the smaller amount of sugar, but with the same proportion of beer happens much more rich. After this is added three tablespoons of malt, and all full of hot water. Its temperature must not exceed 60 degrees, otherwise the beer is freshly baked, and the leavening doesn't work.

Beer mixed thoroughly and put in a warm place. Get will be for three days. The first beer, most likely you will have to pay, because he will smell of yeast. Left only a certain amount of yeast (1-2 glasses).

On the basis of receipt of kvass is made an effective tool. For its preparation needed a cock. Must be fresh and not canned. For horseradish best, who died in kvass, it is necessary to rub on a fine grater. Grated horseradish added to the beer, and the last aged in the dark with a capacity of no less than a week, this is rather a cool place.


On the basis of kvass with horseradish, you can prepare a dish called cold soup, which will also increase the power in the house. This dish young women entertained their husbands, for those that have been energetic and tireless in love. Travelers have reported the presence of a large number of children in the family with this dish.

For its preparation, as well as kvass in need of another, and black radish. Can grind in a meat grinder. Black radish is also very much appreciated many years ago and was regarded as a mine of nutrients. Cold soup is a dish simple enough. She represents only the diced rye bread with the addition of a couple of tablespoons of sour cream. In a plate, add a little salt, and there is added a radish. The radish will give astringency flat. At the end you add the beer, and the dish can be considered ready.

This cold soup is very easy to digest and is especially good after the holidays, when the other does not want. It has a threefold effect: it nourishes, quenches the thirst and is able to increase sexual energy.

The sodium bicarbonate

Soda or sodium bicarbonate is used in many industries. Use it to increase the power, and serves as an adjunct for the treatment of prostatitis and adenoma of prostate. First of all, the soda removes the stagnation in the pelvic area and increases the production of the penis secret. There are two forms of this tool: internal and external (the adoption of the bathtubs).

folk remedies to the power


The amount of intake of sodium bicarbonate should not exceed the tsp, and in a first moment, it is necessary to take solo¼. She melts in a glass of warm water or milk, then in a saucepan, bring to a boil, but do not simmer. During the heating process, the drink should be actively stir occasionally, otherwise the soda will settle on the bottom and not fully dissolved.

The accepted solution daily for 10 days. Drinking on an empty stomach in the morning 30 minutes before meals. The maximum rate of reception is a month.

Alkaline baths

Another method to improve your erectile function is alkaline bath. Has taken before going to bed, for the reason that very relaxing. A box of baking soda dissolved in three liters of boiling water. All thoroughly mixed with the sediment from the bottom is not you want to remove. The solution is poured into the entered the bathroom, that you need to take no more than 30 minutes.

Features diet

In the first place to keep the power of the male you need to consume a sufficient amount of proteins, preferably, are animal proteins. These include:

  • the fish;
  • fruits of the sea;
  • milk and dairy products.

The usual meat in this sense is not very suitable, because it is difficult to digest, and its cleavage requires a greater amount of energy. If it happens so, that the man at some point will become there are fewer animal products and feed exclusively on vegetable food, then there will be a severe shortage of proteins. The sperm of a man is to be synthesized very slowly, and the sexual desire of him will wane.

After ejaculation (premature ejaculation) for the formation of the sperm must be quite a large number of proteins that the body requires immediate to re-create lost of cum. In addition, together with the seminal fluid comes out a lot of trace elements. This aspect is also necessary to consider and to eat varied, for the most likely to get everything you need. You can take and special additives, which contain some micro - and macronutrients. Of the vitamins most needed are the a and e, and minerals zinc.

A large number of zinc contained in nuts and seeds. These include:

  • ginger;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • walnuts and hazelnuts.

With a vitamin D deficiency there is a reduction in the production of male sex hormone. This vitamin is synthesized by the body itself, but only in the presence of sunlight. In the winter we also recommend to take, purchase in the pharmacy.


diet for the power

Of course, in order to strengthen male strength, it is necessary to avoid drinking alcohol and smoking, do sports, to go to eat, and in general a healthy lifestyle. However, not everyone wants to and can make it stick. The modern medical industry from time helps men and women achieve their goals, producing feasible and not very expensive medicines.

Before their use is absolutely necessary to read the instructions for use, because it has a lot of different contraindications. During the intake of stimulants in order to strengthen the power of the blood is sent to the organs of reproduction. Sight and hearing may fall, and the beating of the heart, on the contrary, it becomes more often. These pills can be extremely hazardous for hypertension and heart disease, especially if in parallel with, the man takes medications that contain nitrates.

Sometimes the effect of the pill can reach up to 36 hours, which is very dangerous. You should follow the rule: less received a dose of the substance, the less the side effects of the medication. To side effects how can treat the dizziness and the swelling of the nasal mucosa.

Challenging male power can not be taken in that case, if the cause of erectile dysfunction or impotence is obesity. They do not treat, but only cause a serious addiction. In many cases, the systematic use of stimulants result in an increase of the processes in the prostate gland. If a man is normal prostatitis, after taking them can quickly turn into an adenoma of the prostate.